Monday, March 17, 2014

Cardio&Strength - Week #2 overview

Today I'm resting (also I have to meet some friends during the time I usually save for training). Still I wanted to let you know that, as I expected, the #Coach caught up on my lack of upper body strength. Here's a part of my weekly message:

Whether you already have to do pullups in a workout or not: Don’t let them discourage you. Even with breaks, many star-pullups in a row are a real challenge. At the beginning, it is totally normal if you can do less than five. Many of you will not be able to perform a single one. No worries. No one masters pullups without hard work. On the contrary, pullups take quite some time and effort. Make sure to lock out your arms completely - completely means all the way, not halfway. Also make sure, to move controlled and to maintain proper form. Don’t do any uncontrolled jumping pullups. They will harm you. Yes, we are tough. But no, we are not stupid.

As you can see, the pull ups are a trending topic for me. I look forward to reading these posts on week #15 and (hopefully) realizing how far I have come and laughing at how bad at was at doing pull ups...

Doing Aphrodite actually ended up easing most of my muscle soreness. My quads are still stiff, but much much better than the previous days. I cannot stress enough the importance of stretching right after the workouts to reduce the stiffness to the minimum!!!

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