About Me...

I'm 26 years old, born and raised in Santiago, Chile. My father is Chilean and my mother Belgian. In January 2013 I finished my masters degree on Biochemistry and I didn't want to start my PhD nor working right away, so I suddenly had tons of free time after studying my a*s off for years... I decided then to get in shape, like I've never been before.

I was last league's higher scorer =)
I've always enjoyed sports and outdoor activities. I've played soccer since I was 4 or 5 years old, and also practiced other sports for a little while in between, like judo, gymnastics and volleyball. Soccer has always been my passion though, and even if there were times -sometimes quite long- were I didn't play for whatever reason, I always ended up coming back. I consider myself to be quite athletic, but I've never been in crazy great shape. I would say my core (abs-back) is my weakest point, and with a weak core it's hard to do much else.

For the last 7 years, since I went to college, I've played soccer quite steadily, training a couple times a week and having matches on the weekends. Training sessions were never too much of a challenge, and it was a shame. With college being over, I was invited by a friend to a team and we joined a couple of amateur leagues where we play matches 2 - 3 times a week. I'm exercising more now, playing 3 matches a week than with my college team training! And of course, I'm happier (we're doing great on the leagues!)

How I got into Freeletics. 

So here I was, wanting to get in shape and having time to do it. For about a year I had been reading and hearing about CrossFit and I wanted to try it out. It was just becoming very popular here in Chile, so there were only a few places were you can practice it -now it's a big boom- The thing is, joining a "gym", even if it's a CrossFit box, is not really my style. Paying, feeling obliged to go, spending time travelling to go to a place to exercise when you coud do it somewhere else... Still I was was attracted by the team philosophy behind it. 

While reading about CrossFit, almost decided to join a box, and looking at videos on YouToube, I stumbled across Arne's transformation video.. I thought it was a pretty awesome accomplishment, and to get it in only 15 weeks was unbelievable, so I started to read about Freeletics and watching more videos. At first I didn't believe in it much -it just seemed to much of a progress in such a short time- but eventually I got to the Freeletics website and finally to the Facebook page where the deed was sealed for me. As you can read on the "What is Freeletics?" page, the motivational quotes and becoming a free athlete made me want to start this program.

So here I am, with ups and downs, starting over, getting my 15 weeks done... becoming every day a better free athlete...


  1. Hi Catalina :)

    Are you still doing freeletics ??

    1. Hello there!
      I've stopped doing Freeletics and started doing CrossFit instead... I know, it sounds like I sold myself out >.<!
      For now, I'm really happy, I needed to have a training group and I wasn't getting that out of Freeletics (and I tried really hard to convey my own group here...).

  2. Hi Catalina! I am Brazilian and I am about to move to santiago. I am looking for freeletics training groups. Do you have any whatsapp group that you use to schedule training or something like that?
