Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm back!

Hello again and happy Halloween to all of you who celebrate it!

I'm finally back from my trip to  Ecuador .It was a lot of fun but of course, I'm glad to be home. I visited Cuenca, a city in the mountain area of the country, at over 2500 meters over sea level. I even went up to 4167 meters, and boy did I felt the height! It was a nice and calm colonial city, but the sun was extremely heavy. 

After 3 days there I passed through Guayaquil in a 5 hour drive to get to the beach of Salinas (yes, just like my last name!). From there I visited several beaches, of which I particularly loved MontaƱita, Ecuador's surf/party paradise. I even took a surfing lesson (lucky me, nobody else was there that day so it was a private lesson)! It was definitely the highlight of my trip. I had never surfed before and I found it was a) super-duper-extremely fun and b) a hell of an exercise!!! I was sore the day after, specially in my abs, pecs and triceps. I thought the legs and butt would get the harder exercise, but it turns out that you spend a lot more time struggling with the waves and the board, getting in position, paddling and then pushing up fast and strong to stand up in one single movement than you do standing up in the board... so there you go!

Unfortunately the Internet connection was not great most of the time, so I couldn't give you any updates from there... and what is worse, I couldn't find time to do my workouts. Shame on me, I know, but a trip is a trip and I was busy either knowing new places and doing stuff or too tired after a long day to train...

So I'm still stuck at week #2, but I'll get back on the horse right away and I'll give it my 200% percent to make up for lost time.

PS: Freeletics helped my with my beach body and I felt good about it =)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Well hello everybody. Last week was my birthday, and it was a hell of a birthday! Half of my family is sick, so I've been playing the role of nurse and looking after my 8 year old niece. I really haven't had a second nor the energy to train. I even had to skip my saturday and my monday soccer match because I had to stay home and look after my people!!!

Moreover, tomorrow I'm leaving for 9 days to Ecuador. I was hoping to be able to continue training there, but I'm not 100% sure it'll be possible. If I can, I will post updates from over there. If not, well... see you all in Halloween!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Cardio&Strength - W1D3

 Aphrodite: *00:28:09 

It's day #3 of my first week with Freeletics' Cardio&Strength Guide. Exactly a week ago I donated blood and this is what my arm looks like today:

It looked way worse a couple of days ago, but I didn't want to be too gore and show it to you all then. The thing is I want to prove a point by showing you that you CAN donate blood (of course, it's better if you don't get a bruised arm but it's a risk that you have to embrace) AND still workout just fine Other than the first couple of days, I haven't felt much weaker or anything... Not even during soccer! Well, maybe just a little bit more out of breath, but it's completely manageable... so thumbs up to donating blood for good causes and still exercising!

Today I finished Aphrodite in 28 minutes, 9 seconds. I'm a bit upset that I haven't been able to get below the 27 minute mark but I'll keep working and going at it!

Remember to check out the Freeletics website were you can find the free 5 week training guide and the 15 week guides!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Cardio&Strength - W1D2

 Aphrodite: *00:28:57 

As I thought, my performance has decreased a little bit after my brilliant idea to donate blood last week. I've felt more tired during soccer, and more out-of-breath during the #Freeletics workouts. However I'm feeling much better compared to last week, and I'm hoping to get back up to my improvement curve soon.

I think I'm beginning to feel a bit bored by Aphrodite, but I know I still got 14 more weeks in front of me and I'm sure I will get new and more exciting workouts. In the meaning time I'm still trying to get below the 27 minute mark (hopefully below the 25 minute mark). I will keep giving it all my best during this week in spite of the boredom.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cardio&Strength - W1D1

 Aphrodite: *00:31:55 

What do you do when you finish the 5 week free program? 
You see some results but not quite so many. You know you can do better. You know your times can still go down. You know you can get in so much better shape... you get a Freeletics guide and start the next 15 weeks of your life!
Depending on your goals there are tree types of guides with instructions for 15 weeks of training: Cardio, Cardio+Strength and Strenght. I got the Cardio and Strength guide because, as I have previously explained, I'm looking for a balanced workout to gain endurance and also some strength (abs and back please!) We'll see how I do with this one, and who knows, maybe I can move to the Strength guide afterwards ;-)

The thing is, yesterday I donated blood. I know, it wasn't my brightest idea but well, it's done. I've donated quite few times before, and this is the first time I almost fainted while having my blood drawn >.< It was a bit scary but the nurse was super nice and calm and we got through it. I wasn't supposed to do any exercise, so yesterday I only went to yoga and skipped my Freeletics workout. Today was Aphrodite time -yet again- and boy did I miss those 400 mL of blood! I felt somewhat like I did when I first started training. Very dizzy in some points, like I was going to puke, breathless, just wanting to give up. I missed those red blood cells and the oxygen they were not carrying to my muscles! But, as usual, I kept in mind that we never quit, so I kept going, and I finished the workout in a decent time (31 mins, 55 secs), considering the circumstances.

Hopefully it will not take 3 months (the time I'll get back those missing cells) to regain my previous aerobic condition. I'm a bit scared for Saturday's soccer match...

You can check the detailed description of each guide at the Freeletics website (I've left a permanent link to the page by clicking on the Freeletics colorful logo in the sidebar). I'll keep telling you as much as I can from my workouts but I will not be providing detailed descriptions of the exercises anymore,

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Me after Week #5

I've successfully finished the 5 week free #Freeletics program, and it's officially time to show you my results (so far) with a new set of pictures.

Besides my hair cut, I tried to keep everything the same so that comparisons are easily done. I took the photos in the exact same location, wearing the same clothes and trying to do the same poses. The lighting I could not control so much, but I think they came up quite similar. Without further ado, here I am after finishing Week#5 and back when I started the program:

After Week #5

Before Week #1

Week #1
Week #5
1,70 mt
1,70 mt
63 kg
62 kg
56,5 cm
98,5 cm
98,5 cm
86 cm
85,5 cm
75 cm
75 cm
90 cm
90 cm
29 cm
29 cm
As you can see in the pictures and read in my measurements, the changes I've experienced so far are almost imperceptible. I think the only slightly noticeable thing is a bit of definition in my abs (high, in between the last ribs).

Overall I feel stronger and in better shape and I know by other people's experiences that after only five weeks you can't really see that much of a change in pictures. I'm sure that the change I'm feeling inside, growing with every workout, will get to the surface rather sooner than later. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 7 / Dione + Metis + Squat Max

 Dione: 00:   Metis: 00:  Squat Max: 

I was supposed to finish the workouts yesterday. The problem is, I had a soccer match and having done Aphrodite the day before, I ended up with a contracted quadriceps. Therefore, I didn't want to push it because I was afraid to get injured. I decided then not to do Day 7 right away. Also I had another match today so I couldn't risk it. With this, I've had two delays on Hell Week, so I don't really know if I should still call it that because the whole idea is to train everyday for 7 days straight. I'm pretty sure though that Hell Week does not consider that one would also be playing 3 soccer matches during those 7 days so... I sort of think soccer makes up for my skipped days (wishful thinking). 

Today the match was really easy (we won 10 - 0!). Before and after the game I warmed up and stretched a bit, but my quad still feels stiff. Of course, in the heat of the moment it does not hurt a bit, but it's after when the tightness kicks in. WIth all that in mind I still managed to score 3 goals =P. Since I have no more matches until Saturday, I can go for it today. I'm not expecting great results but it will still be a done workout.

Day 7 of Hell Week is actually supposed to be the  climax of Hell  with 3 workouts at once. First Dione, then Metis and finally Squat Max.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 6 / Aphrodite

 Aphrodite: *00:28:01 

Well, yesterday was crazy: I went to a Pride Parade downtown and walked my ass off with almost 30°C. Then I ran, changed clothes and played a soccer match (we won 4 - 2). Afterwards I showered and went to a friend's housewarming party until 3 AM. Of course, I couldn't find a decent time slot to train, and the day went by full speed ahead. I was doing so well this week! Even on crazy Friday I managed to train... It is a shame I skipped a day, but well, that's life... I did my best and this time it just wasn't enough. 

Today, Sunday, I did then my 6th day of Hell Week (which I shoud have done yesterday). It was Aphrodite again, and I finished the workout in 28 minutes and 01 seconds. It took me a few seconds longer than the other day so no PB, but I know I could have finished a bit earlier. I had a wardrobe malfunction which consumed me around 10 seconds +  I had eaten a little too close to the workout, so by the time I was at the 20 burpees, I wanted to throw up, so I had to slow down to breathe slower and better as to prevent my puking. If I had trained "normally" I would've beaten my PB. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for next time.


Now let's talk about something funny.

I've always had a protruding bone in my lower back (very low). I'm not much of an anatomist, but I think it's one of my sacrum spinous tubercles (the protruding parts of the 5 vertebrae that fused into the sacrum)... anyways, this bone is just about where my butt crack begins, right in the zone were you tilt when doing sit ups. I've always felt pain during the sit ups because of that bone being crushed repetitively under my weight, but I've always pushed through, and ignored it because there's nothing really I can do about it. The thing is, this week I've done a lot of sit ups, every day, so during Friday's workout (Day 5) I felt way too much pain, so that night I looked myself in the mirror after showering and I realized I had a massive bruise just at the beginning of my butt crack and coming dow na little into the butt crack, in between the cheeks!!! I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry about that awful scene. Today the bruise is still not gone, of course, so it still hurted a lot when doing the sit ups, but well! Nothing there I can do! I always try to do the sit ups in a surface as soft as possible and I even remove any shorts or leggings with a thick elastic band that may contribute to the hurting. I guess this week that just wasn't enough. I'll have to think of better ways to protect my butt crack from future bruising!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 5 / Dione

 Dione: 00:34:56 

I had to work out super fast today because I have plenty of things to do, but that is to show that you CAN manage to train even on a very busy day. Later I'll add some more thoughts on this post. For now, I'm enjoying my new accomplishment =).

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 4 / Aphrodite

 Aphrodite: *00:27:53 

Day four of Hell Week and it's the turn of Aphrodite. I hadn't done this workout in a while, and I was excited to do it again (and hopefully beat my PB). It's amazing how my way of thinking changed this week from "I don't think I can get trough Hell Week" to "let's beat some PBs!" ☺.

I did Aphrodite today in 27 minutes and 53 seconds. That's almost a minute below my previous PB. It's not much, but it's still an improvement!. Moreover, I didn't feel dizzy and I didn't have to stop to catch my breath during the burpees... We've become BFFs this past weeks, me who started off hating them really bad! I only had to stop a few seconds during the sit ups, I still can't get 50 in a row. Up to 20 I'm good, then to 25 I struggle a bit and I have to stop a few seconds every 5 to 10 reps from that point on. Still, I'm improving and that's all that matters!

I'm also feeling that the sweating has gone down in intensity. I guess that's also a sign of me getting fitter, right? Overall, still happy, still moving forward and NEVER quitting!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 3 / Dione

 Dione: 00:35:21 

Day 3, and it's Dione time again. I think this is the workout I like the less of them all, mainly beacuase it's long and because I get rather frustrated with the leg levers I can't do without my hands off my butt -so I'm getting no star- (also because it's super tiyring to do burpees, jumping jacks and burpees again, two times in a row...). 

Anyways, last night I was exhausted after soccer and the workout, so I ended up sleeping around 9 hours!!! (I didn't have to get up early today, lucky me!) I rested quite well and, to my surprise, I wasn't nearly as sore nor stiff as I tought I'd be. I guess I am getting in better shape since my body is recovering faster than I anticipate. That's always good news, right!?

Today I finished Dione in 35 minutes and 21 seconds, that is a new PB! A whole minute below my previous best time. I'm really proud of that. I really didn't think that I'd beat any PBs during Hell Week, and I'm glad I did. To see improvements, even if they are little, show me that the hard work is paying off, and it motivates me to keep on going. Now I'm excited for tomorrow's workout!

Overall I feel happier and, even if some muscles may be sore from time to time, the pain is generally more due to soccer than to the workouts. I feel physically great and mentally I'm getting stronger. In the past I always had trouble exercising on my own; even if physically I could keep going, mentally I always quitted way too early. Whenever I had a teacher or coach keeping time and/or watching over me I could perform so much better! But now I've found somewhat of my inner strenght. Also, this journal is part of the way I have to force myself to doing the workouts everyday. Even if nobody comments, I feel obliged to do the workout and post about it. I know somebody is reading, and they (you) play somewhat the role of a coach for me. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 2 / Squat Max, Push Up Max & Metis

 Squat Max: *104  Push Up Max: 24  Metis:*00:11:59 

I really don't recommend training two days in a row having soccer matches on those same days. My legs are really shaking and I already feel like tomorrow I'll wake up all stiff and sore...

Day two of Hell Week. I went and played soccer for an hour (we won, 3-2... I scored 2 goals and assisted on the other one, so I'm stoked!). Then we celebrated the win for a little while, while I was thinking "it's Hell Week, I have to get home and do the workout".  I came home and started with the Squat Max and, to my surprise, I performed quite decently (104 squats in 300 seconds); only one repetition down from my PB. I think I've gained leg strength because after chasing the ball for a whole hour (and having played yesterday and the day before that) I thought I wouldn't have the strength to pull it off, or at least not that well.  

Of course, after the squats I felt brave enough to think I could do the Push Up Max properly and finally get a star... Luckily I over think things so I ended up deciding to take it easy and do the push ups girly style (knees on the ground). It was pitiful! I don't have a reasonable explanation to my lame 24 push ups in 100 seconds -and without a star!!!!-. All I know is that my triceps were burning and I just couldn't speed up. I'll have to work a loOoOot harder on my push ups to get to a decent place...

Finally came Metis. I have a hate/love thing going on with this workout. I like it because it's quick, but at the same time I think it is way harder than it looks. The thing is, by that time, with all the squats and the soccer, my legs were a bit shaky and loose, so it took me 11 min 59 secs to finish the workout, which is far from my PB. At least I managed to do the high jumps properly, a thing that I thought would be impossible with my floppy legs!

Overall I'm glad it's over, I'm happy that my mind won over my body again and that I pushed myself to do the workout even after being tired from all the soccer! Hell week is, so far, living up to it's name!