04-01-2015, 1/2 Aphrodite: *00:23:02
Well, I just couldn't start blabbing about the coach being on sale and all these New Year Resolutions without actually doing something about it, could I? I have to
#trainforit !
I decided I'd start this new year going back to basics, starting once again with the very first Freeletics WOD I ever did; APHRODITE. It's been forever since I last trained, and it showed. We're in full summer here in Chile and on Sunday (when I trained) it was 36°C. I don't deal very well with the heat, so that was an extra difficulty added to my evident lack of fitness... I was pouring sweat like crazy, completely out of breath and struggling with on and off dizziness. I had to stop and catch my breath a couple of times; then I decided it was not wise for me to go past the 40 rep series, and I'm glad I made that decision. It's still mentally tough to leave a WOD unfinished, but I figured an unfinished WOD is better than no WOD at all.
The 50 + 40 Burpees, Squats and Sit Ups took their toll on me. I was exhausted. Yesterday I woke up a little sore in my quads and pecs. I had a soccer match last night and it was a little hard to begin moving during the warm up because my legs were hurting a lot. I stretched and massaged a little when I got home afterwards... But today I'm feeling even more in pain, adding the triceps to the list. As usual, the worse comes 48 h after the WOD.
DAMN I needed to workout! I'm re-activating my coach and I'll start training more consistently again. This is it. I'm getting back on the horse.
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