Venus (S), 00:23:57 PB!!!
Second training day of week 10. I was all pumped with the results of Aphrodite (the first WOD of this week) so I wanted to try and beat my Venus PB. I did this workout while being at the beach a week ago, so I had it fresh in my memory how it was like. I knew the push-ups were (are) my weak point so my strategy was to gain time with the squats and the situps.
I think I wasn't still fully recovered from Aphrodite because I had a bit of a hard time with the squats. My quads felt tired and sort of "lazy" right away and I had to break the first series of 50 into 5 x 10 reps (when I usually can pull a 20 - 15 -15 or a 25 - 25). The sensation got better with each round but it was never completely gone. Sit ups went by with no effort, but as I anticipated, the push ups were the killers. I can do some strict push ups, but certainly not 50 of them... 4 times. I actually suffer doing 50 knee push ups so you can imagine. I set myself the following mental schedule: do 5, take 2 breaths still in push up position, do 5 more and rest my arms (lying on the floor) for 5 breaths (10 breaths max when I'm dying). Its sort of breaking the push ups into 5 x 10 reps. When I write it and read it it sounds lazy as f**k, but its what I have to do in order to finish the WOD. Its a personal goal of mine to improve substantially my upper body strength.
With all that strategy I did manage to lower my time and get a new PB. Still no star, but I'll
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