With my new job I haven't been able to train AT ALL these past few weeks. I get home very late every day and I'm super tired all the time. I keep having 2 to 3 soccer matches a week and I'm still attending yoga classes on Wednesdays. That only leaves me Friday, Saturday, Sunday (well, sometimes I play soccer on Sundays too) and Monday to train Freeletics... That's 4 days a week, in a row, to do 4 to 5 training sessions. If I pulled it off, I'd be exercising 7 days a week with no breaks.
I'm trying to be realistic here. Yes, I've said we NEVER quit before, but there's a saying that goes "never say never" and I think it applies all too well to my current situation. On the week-end it is impossible for me to train (I know I shouldn't use that word, but it's a fact). I've tried to pull it off during the week, training after soccer (usually past 11 PM) and stuff, but I'm having enough trouble getting up in the mornings as it is. I don't want to perform poorly in my new job and I think, for me, it's neither wise nor healthy to train that much. 7 days a week with no breaks... again, for me, I don't see the point of pushing things that far. I'm not a pro athlete, and resting is as important for being healthy as eating right and exercising.
That being said, I don't want to quit. I think I just need some time to settle in and figure things out. I hate leaving things halfway done, so I'm definitely finishing my Cardio&Strength guide... at some point. I know now it will not be done in 15 weeks (I've already lost a whole week...), but it will be done.
Soccer is my life. Even if I think Freeletics is wonderful as an exercise and a way of living your life in a positive healthy manner, I started doing it to be better at soccer. So, of course, I'm not about to lower my number of soccer matches a week to do the workouts. Soon the leagues will be over and I'll have more time to squeeze the workouts. In the meaning time, I'll train as much as I can, but without putting myself the pressure of doing all 4 to 5 workouts a week.
In other news:
In other news:
¡¡¡Happy Christmas Eve to you all!!!
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