Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cardio&Strength - W1D4

 Aphrodite: *00:38:18 

Wooohow! Last session of the week: in with the workout and out with the Maxes... The coach will finally finish learning about my performance and will begin busting my training. I dread all the pull-ups I'm sure are coming my way, but I know I will be thankful later on.

Since March the 7th until the 18th we are hosting here in Santiago the 10th South-American (Olympic) Games. This is, as far as I can remember and during my lifetime, the first really big sports event organized in Chile. There's been sports all over, and I've seen a few competitions on TV. This weekend, however, I went to the stadium to see the athletics competition (Saturday and Sunday) and the U-17 women soccer finale (Sunday), where unfortunately Argentina beat Chile 2-1. After seeing all that sport, cheering my a*s off, with everybody running, sweating, falling, rising, beating up scores and winning medals, I got home late and tired but excited to do Aphrodite.

My quads were still extremely sore (even to the slightest touch) and tight from the Squat Max. My upper abs were also hurting; I felt it more during the burpees than during the sit ups. After the first round of 50 repetitions, however, I was well warmed-up and the pain faded to the point I forgot it was there to start. Still I was slower than the previous times and felt tired throughout the workout. I wanted to be below the 35 minute mark. Unfortunately I was only below the 40 minute mark, and 10 minutes slower than my PB!!! Considering the circumstances, I guess it's OK. At least I did better then the previous first time I did Aphrodite(if a "second first time" exists) . That time it took me, if I recall correctly, 47 minutes. I'm glad I finished this week. I think I'm off to a good start. I don't know what the future holds but I'm  confident I'll be able to finish the whole program this time! One down, 14 more to go...

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