Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week #5 - HELL WEEK - Day 3 / Dione

 Dione: 00:35:21 

Day 3, and it's Dione time again. I think this is the workout I like the less of them all, mainly beacuase it's long and because I get rather frustrated with the leg levers I can't do without my hands off my butt -so I'm getting no star- (also because it's super tiyring to do burpees, jumping jacks and burpees again, two times in a row...). 

Anyways, last night I was exhausted after soccer and the workout, so I ended up sleeping around 9 hours!!! (I didn't have to get up early today, lucky me!) I rested quite well and, to my surprise, I wasn't nearly as sore nor stiff as I tought I'd be. I guess I am getting in better shape since my body is recovering faster than I anticipate. That's always good news, right!?

Today I finished Dione in 35 minutes and 21 seconds, that is a new PB! A whole minute below my previous best time. I'm really proud of that. I really didn't think that I'd beat any PBs during Hell Week, and I'm glad I did. To see improvements, even if they are little, show me that the hard work is paying off, and it motivates me to keep on going. Now I'm excited for tomorrow's workout!

Overall I feel happier and, even if some muscles may be sore from time to time, the pain is generally more due to soccer than to the workouts. I feel physically great and mentally I'm getting stronger. In the past I always had trouble exercising on my own; even if physically I could keep going, mentally I always quitted way too early. Whenever I had a teacher or coach keeping time and/or watching over me I could perform so much better! But now I've found somewhat of my inner strenght. Also, this journal is part of the way I have to force myself to doing the workouts everyday. Even if nobody comments, I feel obliged to do the workout and post about it. I know somebody is reading, and they (you) play somewhat the role of a coach for me. 


  1. Hi! I'm reading each post of your blog with great attention because I’m trying to rebuild the 5 weeks plan from the explanation you give. I fact I couldn't find this 5 weeks plan anywhere but here, I read everywhere it's free but on the freeletics website it is not mentioned. Could you make a summary of this 5 weeks training for those who wants to try freeletics? Or at least answer this on question: during Hell Week, did you have the choice each day or just between Dione and Zeus day 1, 3, and 5?

    Again, thank you so much for sharing your experience in this blog, it's really helpful.

    1. Hello Michael! Thank you for your comment, I'm glad if I can be of use.

      If you want to leave me your email here I can send you the PDFs with the 5 week free guide with the detailed explanation of each exercise and photos. (I can delete your email as soon as I read it ;) )
      If not, well, here's the quick overview of Hell Week. You can choose between Dione and Zeus on days 1, 5, and 7. Day 3 has to be Dione.

      Day 1: Dione or Zeus
      Day 2: Squat MAX & Pushup MAX & Metis
      Day 3: Dione
      Day 4: Aphrodite
      Day 5: Dione or Zeus
      Day 6: Aphrodite
      Day 7: Dione or Zeus & Metis & Squat MAX
      Day 8, 9 and 10: Rest.

      Greetings and Merry Christmas!

  2. Hi Catalina, I know you are well in tothe training and Hell Week probably feels like a life time away but I am on day two of Hell Week and reading your posts encourage me :) thanks

    1. Hello! I thank you very much for your comment. That's precisely the reason I started this blog, and I'm pleased to encourage you, even though right now I don't feel like the role model I should... Keep up the good work and you'll feel great once you've finished Hell Week!
