Hera: *00:25:45
The other day I did Ares. The day after that I was tired, but OK. The second day I was feeling pain in my back, shoulders, triceps, elbows... Today I'm really really sore. The description of week#2 in my online coach says:
"Whether you already had to do pullups or not: Don’t let them discourage you. Even with breaks, many star-pullups in a row are a real challenge. At the beginning, it is totally normal if you can do less than five. Many of you will not be able to perform a single one. No worries. No one masters pullups without hard work. On the contrary, pullups take quite some time and effort. Make sure to lock out your arms completely - completely means all the way, not halfway - and enjoy having sore muscles. This particularly pleasant ache at your inner elbow even has its own name: T-Rex. Why? Take a guess."
Yes, I'm part of the many who can't do a single pull up. I try not to be discouraged by that. Also, I wouldn't describe my pain as an "ache", but I do get the T-Rex thing. I want so bad to do everything with my arms as close to my body as possible to avoid the pain... Today I had to ask my sister to help me take my sports bra off because it was sweaty and tight and I couldn't lift my arms and pull as stongly as I needed to to take it off. It was awful!
I also discovered I had a muscle below my arm pits/back that I think I had never exercised before. I'm not quite sure if it's the Serratus anterior or the Latissimus dorsi, but either way it hurts A LOT. (I'm leaning towards the Latissimus more than the Serratus...)

Well, luckily today I did Hera, a cardio-only workout. It involves running a bit, which I absolutely hate, so I had a bit of a struggle there. on top of the fact that, when I moved my arms as I was running, my pull up sore muscles were hurting quite a bit.
Now I'm leaving for a soccer match. We'll see how that goes. Our first goal keeper broke her tibia about a month ago and now our second goal keeper tore her anterior knee ligament so we've been taking turns, and I think I would have to struggle a lot to play goal keeper today considering that just lifting my arms hurts! I'll keep you posted on that...
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