Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday = Yoga Day

Well, I had forgotten that wednesday is yoga day. My older sister is training to be a yoga instructor so she practices with me and my girlfriend on wednesdays nights (and we get free yoga lessons, which isn't half bad). 

This wednesday was a special "abs session" and since I had done two Aphrodite days I was  quitte -and ended even more- tired.  At least this week I just couldn't do my HIWOD and take the yoga lesson.  Hopefully when I get in better shape this will not be an issue.

I therefore rescheduled my training week to doing my HIWODs on monday, tuesday, thursday and friday (that's my minimum 4 times a week, and hopefully on sunday night I can squeeze in the 5th), doing yoga on wednesday and playing soccer on saturday and sunday... phew!!!

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