Push-Up MAX: 34
Squat MAX: 94
To my surprise, I got a super fast answer from the guys at Freeletics (through their Facebook page) about yesterday's question : they basically said it is up to me if I want to do Aphrodite + MAX on the same day, or just alternate the workouts. They specifically sait "it depends on my goals" so I'm guessing that if I want to improve faster I should do both everyday.
However, today was yoga day (wednesday), and after all the soccer matches I've had in the last 4 days, I am feeling quite tired, so I decided just do the MAX again. As I expected, I did worse than yesterday; 34 push-ups in 100 sec and 94 squats in 300 sec. I'm having difficulties adjusting to this new training regime mixed with more soccer than I've ever played before... I guess I'm still in that lame first phase, I just hope I reach a better shape soon so I can train and actually improve my PBs instead of getting worse because I'm too tired!!!
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