Push-Up MAX: 41
Squat MAX: *105

Today I did 41 Push-Ups (girly style, knee-on) in 100 sec and 105 Squats in 300 secs. I felt stronger during the push-ups but I'm still far from where I would like to be. I got very tired around rep. 15 and by rep. 25 I had to really push through every single repetition. I hope I'll gain more resistance so I can do more push-ups (and faster) before I drain myself out. Hopefully I'll be able to start doing the proper push-ups soon too. As I said before, I've never been a push-up kind of girl, so it'll be intresting to "achieve" that new excercise, I guess that's a goal by itself.
As for the squats.... what can I say. Between soccer and trainig everyday my quads are quite tired. It's not that they're sore, nor stiff, it's only that I know that I could do more reps if I had had more rest. In spite of this, I feel a difference in the way my muscles contract. I don't know if it's my imagination or what, but I feel bulkier on the outer part of the leg, (the orange muscle on the drawing, Vastus lateralis). During the squats I can see the muscle geting defined, and that's quite a novelty!!! As Freeletics says; be proud every step of the way to achieving your goals.
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