Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Week 4, Day 2 / Metis

 Metis: *00:08:50 


I realized my  problem was I wasn't visualizing the movements right... Of course, with practice, and a little more thinking about Metis before jumping head first to doing it, the movements became clearer in my mind and easier for my body. I'm sure they'll continue to get easier during this week.

Today I managed to jump forward enough on the climbers so my feet got to my hand level rather easily. It was, I think, a matter of believing that just with a bit more impulse I could get it done. 

Also I realized that during the high jumps I was jumping with my legs too separated and that it was physically impossible for my knees to touch my shoulders that way. As soon as I pulled my knees together, and jumped a little harder than I was,  the high jumps became way easier and I got to touch my shoulders (or chest, not quite sure which it was).

And so, I got my star... Of course I didn't beat my previous starless time, but It only took me a few seconds more to do the workout properly so I'm super happy and damn proud. I feel this week I'll beat my PBs rather often (hopefully) Yay! Metis is quite intense, I was out of breath rather fast, and I ended up sweating a lot for having worked out only nine minutes. Go Freeletics!

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